The Lounge Convo With Dr. Thomas Mensah, Renowned Inventor Of Fibre Optics by saddo-admin on December 15, 2017 share 0 My guest tonight is the man who invented fibre optics, the technology that enables us to receive information via computer at virtually the same time it’s sent no matter where we are. His name is read more
News Articles Ghanaians Involved In Slave Trade – Libya Returnee by saddo-admin on December 11, 2017 share 0 A Ghanaian migrant who was sold in Libya has alleged that there are some Ghanaians involved in the booming slave
The Lounge Sahara Wahala: Traveler’s Tales From Libya by saddo-admin on December 8, 2017 share 0 For about three decades from the 1980s, Ghanaian professionals, and skilled and unskilled men and women – have travelled to