On Monday May 29, a young army captain was killed in the most cruel manner by a mob at Denkyira Diaso. Capt Adam Mahama was killed in a manner that even rabid, mad, stray dogs would decline participation.
Capt. Mahama was not, himself, some callous murderer or vile criminal deserving of his fate. He wasn’t on some criminal or private deviant frolic. He was on national duty to protect and serve. And so Ghana is traumatized, and mourns him and mourns with his family.
But there’s a broader question. We’re told that Ghanaians are good people; tolerant, welcoming and hospitable even “God-fearing” and peace-loving. We’re “nice”. Is this true? Or is it a tourism myth; a hollow, meaningless advertising tag line employed to lure one another and strangers into carefully-knit snares?
Because mind you, Capt Mahama’s killing doesn’t sit in isolation. It is just one of many acts in which human life is desecrated. If there’s any luck, they may get thrown into the jokes column.
So are we Ghanaians, slowly taking leave of our senses? Are we losing our humanity? What happened to our Communalism? Have we bid farewell to our Soul? Do you know? Have you some answers?
Join the conversation with Prof. Kenneth Agyemang Attafuah, criminologist, lawyer and Executive Secretary of the National Identification Authority, and Ms. Kathleen Addy, Deputy Chairperson of the National Commission for Civic Education.